1. Acceptable GTK themes

    Published: Sun, 08 May 2016
    Modified: Thu, 02 Jan 2020

    In: Linux

    Tags: gtk

    Translations: bs

    When it comes to GTK themes, there are usually two problems.

    1. The theme doesn't keep up with GTK changes
    2. The theme is ugly

    While the latter one might be subjective, you can't really argue against theme incompatibility. There are only a handful of themes which keep up with the GTK …

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  2. Gedit, OverlayScrolling and DBus

    GTK3's overlay scrollbars can be quite annoying. Especially if the theme you're using isn't keeping up with the latest changes and is barely functional. Fortunately, there's an easy way to disable them by using the GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING environment variable.

    My Openbox environment had some trouble with that. I noticed that depending …

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